14 July 2019

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Outstanding Report Based on Day Wise (Sales)

Outstanding Report Based on Day Wise This Add-on generates a columnar outstanding statement of your parties based on sales done. (without using age wise)

 [Code : RK0521]

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Outstanding Report Based on Age Wise (Sales)

Outstanding Report Based on Age Wise This Add-on generates a columnar outstanding statement of your parties based on sales done by your bill wise.

 [Code : RK0521]

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Opening Balance Sheet

Opening Balance Sheet Reports  :  This add-on provides you the opening Balance sheet.

 [Code : RK0553]

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02 July 2019

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Group Party Bill Wise Outstanding

Group Party Bill Wise Outstanding  :  This report gives the option of Printing Party Wise Outstanding.

 [Code : RK0541]

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Detailed Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Reports

Detailed Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Reports  :  Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Report in Detailed manner for Display, Print & Export ( using F12 configure ) 

 [Code : RK0010]

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Item Wise Party Wise Sales

Item Wise Party Wise Sales Columnar Report  :  This add-on helps users to getting party wise item wise sales report

 [Code : RK0503]
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01 July 2019

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Cost Center Name In Billwise Reports

Cost Center Name in Bill wise Outstanding Report  :  Using Code We Get Cost Center In Bill wise Report.

Go to Display => Statement of Accounts => Outstandings => receivables or payables

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GST Monthly Auto Adjustment (Simple)

GST Monthly Auto Adjustment (Simple)  :  Using this add.one we are able to create auto credit debit journal voucher.

 [Code : RK0058]
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GST R2 Month wise

GST R2 Month Wise  Voucher Wise :  Using this add.one we getting GST R2 reports.

 [Code : RK0561]

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Quick Search

Quick Search  :  Using Helpbutton For Any Search While Any Report Or Ledger.

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GST Monthly Auto Adjustment (Advanced)

GST Monthly Auto Adjustment (Advanced) :  Using this add.one we are able to create auto credit debit journal voucher. Like all IGST Input Ledger To IGST Receivable , all IGST Output To IGST Payable. All journal auto selected.

 [Code : RK0058A]
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Copy Using Ctrl+C

Copy Using Ctrl+C :  This code use for TallyErp9 Copy Paste any field in any forms use both for Copy Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Alt+C and for Paste Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Alt+V.

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Only Trading Account Or Profit & Loss A/c

Only Trading Account Or Profit & Loss A/c :  Using this add.one we are able to display only trading account or profit & loss account.

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Half Page Invoice

Half Page Invoice Print  :  Using this add.one we are able to print half page invoice.

 [Code : RK0059]

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Sales Order To Sales Or Del.Note

Sales Order To Sales :  Using this add.one we are able to entry by order no. with all inventory.

 [Code : RK0067]

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Q : How to Get Pan From GST No ?
A : Here is code for GST To Pan In one click

Copy this code in taxt file. then load in tally.

[System: Formula]
locRpt067 : $$LocaleString:"GST TO PAN  (067)"

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]
Add: Key Item : @@locRpt067 : U : Alter Collection  : C067Main : NOT $$IsEmpty:$$SelectedCmps

[Collection: C067Main]
Use    : Multi Ledger
Delete : Report
Add : Report: R067Main

[Report: R067Main]
    Use             : Multi Master Report
    Family          : $$Translate:"Accounts Masters"
Title        : $$SPrintf:@@MultiLedgerCreateModeFormat:@@ModeName:@@SubModeName
    Variables       : MGroup
Set : SVAccounts : Yes
Set : SVInventory : No
Set : SVStatutory : No
Set : SVTallyShop : No
Multi Objects : Ledger Under MGroup
Delete: Form
Add: Form: A067Main
Variable: v067AddByGST : Logical: No
Variable: v067ClearPAN : Logical: No

[Form: A067Main]
Use         : Multi Master Form
Normal Color    : @@SV_COSTCATEGORY
Parts           : P067MLEDBody ;, MLED Body,MLEDDefault,
Space Bottom    : 0
Button : Btn067GstToPan,Btn067ClearPAN

[Button : Btn067GstToPan]
Title : GST To PAN
Key : F10
Action  : Set : v067AddByGST : NOT ##v067AddByGST

[Button : Btn067ClearPAN]
Title : Clear All PAN
Key : F11
Action  : Set : v067ClearPAN : NOT ##v067ClearPAN

[Part : P067MLEDBody]
Lines   : L067MLEDTitle,L067MLEDBody
Scrolled: Vertical
Repeat : L067MLEDBody   : LedgerUnderMGroup
Break On  : $$IsEmpty:$Name

[Line: L067MLEDTitle]
Field: MultiSNo Title, Multi Master Name Title, Multi Master Parent Title, MLED Opening Title,MLED OpeningDr Title, MSTSortPosTitle
Local: Field : Multi Master Name Title : Info : $$LocaleString:"Name of Ledger"
Local: Field : Multi Master Name Title : Width: 40% Screen
Local: Field : MLED Opening Title : Info : $$LocaleString:"GST Reg. Type"
Local: Field : MLED OpeningDr Title : Info : $$LocaleString:"GSTIN/UIN"
Local: Field : MSTSortPosTitle : info : $$LocaleString:"PAN/IT No."
Local: Field : MSTSortPosTitle : Delete: Invisible
Local: Field : MLED Opening Title : Width  : 15
Local: Field : MLED OpeningDr Title : Width  : 18
Local: Field : MSTSortPosTitle : Width  : 12
Local: Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold
Local: Field : Default : Align : Center
[Line: L067MLED Body ]
Field: F067SrNo,F067Name,F067Parent,F067GSTDType,F067GSTNo, F067PANNo
Local: Field: MMParentOption : Skip : YES
Local: Field: Default : Style : Normal

[Field: F067SrNo]
Use: MultiSNo
[Field: F067Name]
Use: Multi MST Name;Name Field
Local: Field: Multi Master Name : Skip: YES
Local: Field: Multi Master Name : Width: 40% Screen
[Field: F067Parent]
Use : Name Field
Inactive: $$IsEmpty:$Name
Set as : $Parent
Skip : YES
Align : Center
Border : Thin Left
[Field: F067GSTDType]
Use : LED GSTDealerType
Inactive: $$IsEmpty:$Name
Border : Thin Left
[Field: F067GSTNo]
Delete : Invisible: ##MVInMultiMode
Inactive: $$IsEmpty:$Name
Width  : 18
Border : Thin Left
[Field: F067PANNo]
Use : LED IT No
Delete : Invisible   : ##MVInMultiMode
Inactive: $$IsEmpty:$Name
Width  : 12
Border : Thin Left
Set By Condition: @myCondiGSTToPAN : @myGSTToPAN
Set By Condition: @myCondiPANClear : ""
myCondiGSTToPAN : ##v067AddByGST And $$IsEmpty:$$Value And Not $$isEmpty:#F067GSTNo
myCondiPANClear : ##v067ClearPAN And Not $$IsEmpty:$$Value
myGSTTOPAN : $$StringPart:#F067GSTNo:2:10
Set Always : YES

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Eazy Auto Voucher (Random/Fixed)

Eazy Auto Voucher (Random/Fixed) :  Automatic entries generation in Random/Fixed amount within a second (Payment, Receipt, Contra, Journal, Sales, Purchase)

 [Code : RK0442]

Eazy Auto Voucher

For “Tally Erp 9”
Automatic Entries Generation in Random/Fixed Amount within a second
Example: GST Local Sales (without inventory) for Selected Date Range
1.     Goto Eazy Auto Voucher & Select “Entry Options”:
a.     Voucher Mode: “Sales”.
b.     Entry Mode: “Date Wise”.
c.     Set other parameter for entries like: Date Range, Cash/Sales/Gst/Round Ledger, Taxable Amount, Voucher Type (it should be auto voucher number) etc.
d.     Set GST Rate, Gst Rounding Logical, Narration.
e.     Amount Type: “Random”.
f.      Amount Variation (it should be less then : (Taxable Amount / total voucher ) * 50% )
g.     Entry Type: “Daily”.
h.     Set other parameter for entries like: Selected Day, Selected Date, Holyday filter, Round off (for Taxable Value) etc.
i.      Form “Accept”, now you can see all entries generated by Eazy Auto.

Example: we have to enter Misc expense 4500 per month for a year
1.     Goto Eazy Auto Voucher & Select “Entry Options”:
a.     Voucher Mode: “Payment”.
b.     Entry Mode: “Amount Wise”.
c.     Set other parameter for entries like: Date Range, Cash/Expense Ledger
d.     Total Amount : 54000/- Rs   (4500 * 12)
e.     Voucher Type (it should be auto voucher number), Set Narration.
f.      Amount Type: “Fixed”.
g.     Set Single Voucher Fixed Amount : 4500/- Rs
h.     Entry Type: “Monthly (last date)”.
i.      Form “Accept”, now you can see all entries generated by Eazy Auto.

Example: we have to enter tea & breakfast expense 25000/- for a year
1.     Goto Eazy Auto Voucher & Select “Entry Options”:
a.     Voucher Mode: “Payment”.
b.     Entry Mode: “Date Wise”.
c.     Set other parameter for entries like: Date Range, Cash/Expense Ledger
d.     Total Amount : 25000/- Rs  
e.     Voucher Type (it should be auto voucher number), Set Narration.
f.      Amount Type: “Random”.
g.     Amount Variation (it should be less then : (Taxable Amount / total voucher ) * 50% )
h.     Entry Type: “Daily”.
i.      Form “Accept”, now you can see all entries generated by Eazy Auto.

Example: we have to deposit daily small saving Rs. 250/- for a year
1.     Goto Eazy Auto Voucher & Select “Entry Options”:
a.     Voucher Mode: “Payment”.
b.     Entry Mode: “Date Wise”.
c.     Set other parameter for entries like: Date Range, Cash/Expense Ledger
d.     Total Amount : 78250/- Rs  (313 days[Sunday off] * 250/- Rs)
e.      Voucher Type (it should be auto voucher number), Set Narration.
f.      Amount Type: “Random”.
g.     Amount Variation (it should be less then : (Taxable Amount / total voucher ) * 50% )
h.     Entry Type: “Daily”.
i.      Selected Day : Sunday off
j.       Form “Accept”, now you can see all entries generated by Eazy Auto
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Age wise Outstanding

Agewise Reports :  Using this add.one we are able to create pending age wise outstanding reports.

 [Code : RK0521]

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Share Market Module

Share Market Module : Using this add.one we are able to finding short term & long term gain/loss amount from share trading
[Code : RK0401]

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