14 July 2019

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Outstanding Report Based on Day Wise (Sales)

Outstanding Report Based on Day Wise This Add-on generates a columnar outstanding statement of your parties based on sales done. (without using age wise)

 [Code : RK0521]

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Outstanding Report Based on Age Wise (Sales)

Outstanding Report Based on Age Wise This Add-on generates a columnar outstanding statement of your parties based on sales done by your bill wise.

 [Code : RK0521]

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Opening Balance Sheet

Opening Balance Sheet Reports  :  This add-on provides you the opening Balance sheet.

 [Code : RK0553]

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02 July 2019

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Group Party Bill Wise Outstanding

Group Party Bill Wise Outstanding  :  This report gives the option of Printing Party Wise Outstanding.

 [Code : RK0541]

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Detailed Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Reports

Detailed Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Reports  :  Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Report in Detailed manner for Display, Print & Export ( using F12 configure ) 

 [Code : RK0010]

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